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Critères de qualité des expériences Airbnb concernant les animaux

Everyone who hosts an Airbnb Experience must demonstrate high levels of expertise and the ability to connect with guests. The experience itself must give guests insider access to places or things they couldn’t find on their own. Read more about the quality standards for Airbnb Experiences.

For animals on Airbnb Experiences, every host must demonstrate these standards, plus specific eligibility standards, to be part of this specific category. Animals are a part of the community and want to ensure that every Airbnb Experience is hosted responsibly.

Every animal experience submitted to Airbnb is reviewed to make sure it meets the following four quality standards, which are required in order to host this specific category: 

  • Animals are core to the experience: Animals must be a central and integrated part of the experience. They are considered the primary theme of the experience and activity.
  • Animal champions: You can be anything from a thoughtful pet owner to an animal advocate. Either way, you care about, live with, or work alongside animals. When it comes to wild animals, you have deep expertise and knowledge about the animals.
  • Responsible interactions: You focus on both the guest and animal’s wellbeing throughout the experience, and prioritize the animal’s comfort, welfare, and safety. You also comply with our animal welfare policy, co-authored by World Animal Protection.
  • Stories to remember: Hosts are dedicated to creating meaningful human and animal connections. You make guests feel at home and involve them in the animal’s world through education and storytelling.

In addition, all experiences and experience hosts must comply with our Terms of Service and Additional Terms for Experience Hosts.

If you are interested in hosting an experience, submit your idea here, and it will be reviewed to make sure it meets the quality standards. If your experience doesn’t meet the above standards, it may not be listed on Airbnb.

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