Point d'intérêt

De Pier Hoek van Holland

Recommandé par 1 habitant,
Hook of Holland, ZH

Conseils des habitants

July 23, 2020
Cycle or walk along the pier to the very end and just let your self be surprised by the strange combination between nature, industry and the local people of Hoek van Holland. Be sure to start or end at the beginning of the pier with a 'raspatat'. Special fries from mashed potatoes, brought to you by one the most worst and unfriendly service we have here :). It's part of the experience! And enjoy your strange fries while leaning against the bunker, with a view on the channel.
Cycle or walk along the pier to the very end and just let your self be surprised by the strange combination between nature, industry and the local people of Hoek van Holland. Be sure to start or end at the beginning of the pier with a 'raspatat'. Special fries from mashed potatoes, brought to you by…

De Pier Hoek van Holland à travers des expériences Airbnb

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