Point d'intérêt

Apor Bástya

Recommandé par 1 habitant,
Băile Tușnad, HR

Conseils des habitants

Former Member
September 29, 2020
In 1883 thanks to baron Károly Apor the Apor Bastion (761 m) was built at the bottom of the Surduc-hill, which never served strategic goals, it was always a viewpoint and resting place. From the bastion there is an excellent view on Băile Tușnad in the Tușnad Defile, on the Olt River and on the Falcon Stone Nature Reserve, which is rising from the opposite peak. The Apor Bastion has undergone several renovations over the years, but every time its purpose and style was conserved and as an addition it can be viewed now from the city even in darkness. During the renovation of 2017, an exhibition space was set up in the bastion by placing archival billboards and a brief presentation of its history
In 1883 thanks to baron Károly Apor the Apor Bastion (761 m) was built at the bottom of the Surduc-hill, which never served strategic goals, it was always a viewpoint and resting place. From the bastion there is an excellent view on Băile Tușnad in the Tușnad Defile, on the Olt River and on the Falc…

Apor Bástya à travers des expériences Airbnb

Découvrez ce monument emblématique grâce aux expériences Airbnb, des activités en petit groupe animées par des habitants.
Découvrez les hauteurs : l'expérience de vol en planeur incontournable
  1. Randonnée avec animaux de ferme
  2. 1 heure