Station de transit

Forum st (Metro) station

Recommandé par 77 habitants,

Conseils des habitants

August 26, 2014
Metro station Forum is only 800m from the apt. The metro takes you directly to the airport in 20 minutes.
March 21, 2014
Only one stop to Copenhagen Center and only 10 stops for the airport.
February 22, 2014
Nearest metro station - where you'll get off if you come here from the airport
February 14, 2014
The metro station that takes you either in or out of the city (or to the airport) !
May 27, 2013
The underground "Metro". 1 min to "Nørreport" and 20 min to the airport. If you want to experience the city as a native Copenhagerne you can rent a city bike right next to the station.

Activités uniques à proximité

Visite guidée de Christiania et Christianshavn avec guide local
Balade à vélo à Copenhague avec un Danois
Le design à Copenhague